Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Europe on a Virago Day 19 Arles to Gap through the Verdun Gorge

Escaped Arles at last after the rear brake shoes arrived and were fitted in an hour. 103 Euros was the damage including an oil and filter change. Riding much more confidently now. Took off at 9AM and headed away from the coast East and then North.
Love these 'Linear avenues' in France, this one of plane trees.
They create a green tunnel of shade.
Reached St Moustiers and the start of the Verdun Gorge
The road climbs into a gorge and enters a small gap in the mountains
Dramatic rock formations and breathtaking views
After exiting the gorge at Castellane, took the D4085 road North
At one point the road went through a hole cut through the mountain
Passed through Sisteron
Until finally called it quits at the city of Gap with views of the alps all arounf

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